Friday, August 22, 2008

Western Sky

Picturesk sky tells no lies,
the sun sets from east to west,
the light has come it will again,
the time is now for referendum,

A better place is of baron land,
So much space but we can not erase,
this established race white faced,
will learn the land not dominate it,

Towers of technology,
so high tall and unnatural,
buildings blocks are mobilized,
I will build a house from a tree,

Seriously here we are,
no escaping only traveling,
I am happy that this is true,
I will live my life with an I,

So now I strive to tell no lie,
a positive step in space and time,
Give freedom to me and the others,
Empower the mothers and brothers,

Change is no natural like life,
thus the only thing we know is right,
grasp your inner beauty to find,
that your mind and heart is not apart
it is concealed in your bodily art

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